The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Car accident


A negligent driver of a medical transport van rear-ended my 82 year old client while she was waiting for a red light to turn green.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Car accident


A negligent driver rear-end my client while she sat in traffic. The collision aggravated a prior neck fusion surgery she had from a previous injury.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Car accident


A negligent driver ran a red light colliding into my client’s driver-side door. She suffered permanent numbness and tingling in her left arm.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Car accident


A negligent driver made an out-of-control turn through an intersection and collided head-on into my client. She suffered significant back injuries.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Medical Malpractice


An OB/GYN negligently implanted a birth control device in my client, resulting in significant pain and discomfort caused by brutal injuries that were only alleviated after my client underwent a full hysterectomy.

The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Personal Injury


A landlord refused to repair the old, deteriorated, and dysfunctional windows on their premises which my client was renting, despite her repeatedly asking them to fix the windows.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Premises Liability


Sam’s Club negligently maintained their premises by allowing ice cream to lay on the floor for an extend period of time.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Premises Liability


The Sheraton Hotel negligently maintained their premises by allowing a service ramp to become in such a poor state of disrepair.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Car accident


My client was rear-ended causing severe back injuries. Even though it was a minor impact, and she had a history of Scoliosis, hip injuries, and back injuries, I was able to recover the full third-party policy limit, and an additional sum from her UIM carrier for a total of $115,000.00.

The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Slip & Fall


My client was shopping at a local convenience store where the employees of the shop failed to clean up a spill.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Car accident


My client was rear-end while waiting for a red light to turn green. She suffered back injuries. The insurance company paid the policy limits to avoid litigation, and we were able to recover additional money from her insurance policy.

The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Pedestrian Accident


My client was walking home from a night out with his friends on Halloween when a negligent driver struck him as he crossed the street.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Premises Liability


A restaurant at a winery negligently installed the stall dividers in their bathroom. When my client opened the stall door to enter, the entire stall divider came off the wall striking her in the head causing significant neck pain.

The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Car accident


An off-duty police officer ran red light while driving an unmarked police car colliding into the driver-side door of my client’s vehicle causing him back injuries. The city would not make us an offer pre-litigation.

The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Personal Injury


A Costco employee negligently pushed a train of shopping carts into my client’s ankle causing significant pain and nerve damage.

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The Law Office of Jared J. Drucker, APC

Slip & Fall


A private vendor at a community college spilled water from an ice bucket onto the floor and neglected to clean in up in the student center. My client slipped in the water injuring her neck and back.

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